giveaway winner and more freebies

First of all, the winner of the giveaway from last week has been emailed. Congrats to Zulma! We had such a crazy busy weekend. I saw my extended family more than I have all year! I can't wait to share the pictures.

To wrap up the celebrating from last week, here are 2 printable cards.

You can download the hello card here.

You can download the thank you card here.


I am an avid blog-stalker. I have wanted to have a blog of my own for quite some time now, but I have been afraid. What would I say? Why would anyone care? It doesn't matter anymore. This blog is written purely for me. If you happen to enjoy it also, even better. This break from school has been a roller coaster. There have been some great family moments interrupted by dramatic events...Sam's allergic reaction & ER visit...CO alarms going off...being evacuated from our house...paramedics, an ambulance, & a firetruck...getting pulled over for the first time... I pray that we have hit our drama quota & the rest of the break will be smooth sailing.