What a week! It was insane, but still one of my favorites. I went to the hospital 4 times and found out I have a blood clot in my foot. It's not a big deal, but those few days of not knowing were scary. Luckily I had the world's best co-counselor this week and knew that our kiddos were always in the best hands :) The dorms were sketchy and the heat was nearly unbearable, but there were so many good moments this week that made it all worth it. I loved our session director, who happened to be my seminary teacher my sophomore year. I made sure everyone asked him about his proposal story because it is easily the best I have ever heard.
One night, I got in the elevator to go down to dinner and a bunch of my boys were already inside. "Don't get in!" they yelled, but I didn't listen. I figured out that one of them was shirtless and the others were hiding them in the corner. Right after I figured this out, the elevator door opens and the first thing my co sees is me videoing the situation. Ir doesn't sound as funny when I write it, but trust me, it was dang funny.