Smith Family Update (It's About Time!)

It's time for a Smith family update! I'm 99% sure the last time I did one was 4 years ago. So yeah, it's time ;)

Look at that cute family of mine!

It seems like so much has been happening the last few months. I started an internship that has now turned into a full-time job doing Content Marketing for LDS Living at Deseret Book. I'll be honest. I didn't even know what "content marketing" was when I applied or even when I started the job, but I have since learned that it is the perfect mix of creative and business/marketing for me. I genuinely love working for a company whose mission is to share uplifting content. I'm also a really big fan of working in downtown Salt Lake City. 

We had these family pictures right before Sam (the one in the navy hoodie) left on his mission. He is serving in the Saltillo Mexico mission and has been gone for 3 months now. He loves Mexico—especially the food. He's getting used to drinking Coke instead of water and he's definitely enjoying the warmer winter weather. He's such a humble missionary and is really trying to learn Spanish. 

Drew (in the red jacket) is a senior in high school. His time is pretty much taken up by work, dance, and dating. He's been on a ballroom dance team for over a year and really enjoys it. He's got a bad case of senioritis and is just trying to make it through the rest of the school year. 

Ainsley (in the gray sweater) spends a lot of time dancing and talking Finley into making brownies. She loves learning new makeup techniques and avoiding getting her driver's license ;) She was excited for Sam to leave, only because of his nut allergy, which means we can have Nutella in our house for the first time ever.

Finley (in the white dress) is ready to be done with elementary school. She's essentially already a teenager in a lot of ways. She loves dance and learning to play the piano. 

Owen (in the denim shirt) is obsessed with anything Pokemon related. He really likes when I teach him how to play songs on the piano and then he plays them about 20 times a day 🙄.

Also, we had professional family pictures taken for the first time ever (Not that the last family picture we snapped 3 years ago in front of the wall at IKEA wasn't great and all...) Wendy of Blue Lily Photography did such a good job of making us look good. She made the whole process as quick and painless as possible. And the light was so amazing that night. Definitely a better success than this attempt...

Maybe the next family update will take place less than 4 years from now ;)